RE displays
Jesus is Risen
As we start this wonderful Easter season, our hall display has been created to celebrate that Jesus is Risen. The children have made beautiful flowers for our display to represent 'new life' following Jesus' death and resurrection.
Lent 2023
As we begin the season of Lent, each class has discussed how, during Lent, we can be more like Jesus. We have written our own Lenten promises, which have been incorporated into our Lenten display in the hall.
The wonderful season of Advent is here and as we prepare for the coming of baby Jesus, our hall displays reflect the the story of the Nativity. Each class has contributed to the displays by making beautiful stars ...
'we will shine like bright stars as we wait for the Light of the World to come.
We will try to follow the example of our Patron Saint, St Peter, by being 'fishers of men'. We will carry out God's wishes by loving each other and being accepting of our diverse and unique community
The children created their own 'fisher of men' designs, showing their own individuality and uniqueness.
The children made some beautiful flowers to add to our Easter display
We celebrate Mary, the mother of Jesus, during May. The children have been bringing in flowers and plants to decorate Mary's altar.